Celebrating The Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club And Its Design Supporters
On the occasion of a milestone anniversary, LUXE celebrates the life-changing work of Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club, as well as the Decorator Show House and the dynamic design community that supports it all.
The Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club, a non-profit dedicated to improving kids’ lives in the Bronx, New York, often depends on the kindness of strangers. A unique synergy with its patrons though, changes destiny even further. Instrumental to Kips Bay’s mission is its bond with the design community, as evident in a half century of Kips Bay Decorator Show Houses, feted in a new book, and the club’s 10 facilities.
The growth of design industry involvement reveals the force multiplier of this charity’s leadership—specifically executive director Daniel Quintero and Nazira Handal, director of special events and corporate partnerships, board president (and New York Design Center CEO and president) James Druckman, and board members like designer Ellie Cullman, who spearheaded a club culinary center. With Kips Bay show houses in Palm Beach and Dallas now joining the New York flagship, romancing the home is the gift that keeps on giving. Today, the club enhances the lives of 11,000-plus kids ages 6-18 with training in life skills, the arts, STEM subjects and more. How’s that for beauty?

A New Book Showcases The Kips Bay Decorator Show House At 50
There’s nothing in the world like the Kips Bay Decorator Show House, both for its annual presentation of American design and decorative finesse at its most imaginative as for its ongoing devotion to the Bronx charity that gives it purpose. A new book, Iconic Rooms: Kips Bay New York Decorator Show House at 50 , celebrates this half century of superlative beauty with glorious photos of iconic rooms from the 1970s to the present and brief essays by the club’s leadership and luminaries from the design world.
Developed and produced by Sandow Books in partnership with Gibbs Smith .

Iconic Rooms: Kips Bay New York Decorator Show House At 50: Courtesy Sandow Books And Gibbs Smith.